
Cat Diarrhea

Cat Diarrhea: Recognize the tell-tale signs and remedy

Cats also do get diarrhea. Unfortunately, its never a pretty sight when you have your feline at this stage. Rather than experience such scenarios, take the steps to deal with the gastric distress. 

But first, here are common reasons why cat diarrhea may happen in the first place. 

Why your cat has diarrhea

Just like in humans, cat diarrhea is relatable to gastric disorder or health illnesses. Fortunately, diarrhea is instead a symptom and not a disease. Once your cat gets it, you will see it poop anywhere with soft or runny stool. 

As a pet parent, this calls for learning the potential causes of diarrhea in cats.

Change in diet

A change in your cat’s food may not end up always as you want. Immediate change especially may cause gastrointestinal(GI) tract inflammation and, diarrhea.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease often ends up damaging your cat’s food tract resulting in a weak stomach. A tell-tale sign of the condition is usually frequent diarrhea. 

Medicine side-effects

Pet medication such as antibiotics can also adjust a cat’s digestive system increasing the chances of diarrhea. As such, be sure to check on the side-effects of your cat prescriptions with your vet. 

Health conditions

A whole lot of fatal and non-fatal cat conditions are also responsible for cat diarrhea. Among these illnesses are liver disease, cancer, Feline triaditis, and Hyperthyroidism. 

Parasites and toxins

Cats experiencing diarrhea may be carrying tapeworms, coccidia, or hookworms. These gastrointestinal parasites present a great source of diarrhea infliction on pets. 

Also, toxic food is prevalent as a cat diarrhea cause. This is especially when pet parents are not aware of the list of poisonous foods for cats

Cat Diarrhea remedy

Typically, cat diarrhea should not continue for 24 to 48 hours. It often corrects itself, if you apply a blander diet for your feline. In most cases, this will involve having a dull rice mixture with a bit of mix with the regular cat food.

When to call the vet 

It is important to contact your veterinarian when the signs fail to end soon. In case, a vet is necessary, be sure to carry these. 

  • A recent stool sample 
  • Your cat’s list of recent foods- for two weeks
  • Any pre-existing check-up details for health conditions

All-in-all, cat diarrhea tends to be unfortunate. However, the right treatment, precaution, and professional help get your feline back in shape. 

References: vet.cornell, NCBI, ASPCA, vet.cornell

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Tags: Cat Diarrhea

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