
Hit By A Car – When the Worst Happens

More than 6 million cats and dogs are hit by cars in the United States in any given year. In some cases, animals are involved in vehicle accidents because they are left to wander the neighborhood, but sometimes, even the most carefully monitored pet can escape the house, run into the street and be hit by a car. These accidents can end tragically, but if you provide immediate emergency medical care, your pet’s odds of surviving the accident increase significantly. The trauma to the animal may not always be immediately evident. Dogs tend to hide their pain and will try to continue on as if not injured. A cat’s injuries may be easier to detect. In either case, getting to an emergency vet is critical to the survival of the animal.

Getting Immediate Care For Your Pet

Animals that are hit by vehicles may experience a number of different injuries, some of which may be visible, but other injuries may be internal and hidden. Broken or crushed bones are common in these accidents. Some animals may develop breathing problems that require immediate intervention. Severe bleeding is also a critical problem that requires emergency veterinary care to close wounds. Concussion and other brain injuries require immediate care to minimize damage.

What To Do If Your Pet Is Injured

If the accident occurs on a roadway, call 9-11 for help with the animal and to direct traffic away from the site. Pet owners should prevent injury to themselves by a panicked, injured animal by creating a temporary muzzle out of a piece of cloth. However, a muzzle should not be applied if breathing problems are evident. When moving the animal, you should use a flat board or blanket, taking care to move the head and spine as little a possible. Take the animal to an emergency vet immediately for veterinary care.

Animal Emergency Care of Braselton Can Help Your Injured Pet

Animal Emergency Care of Braselton is open during nights and weekends to provide care for cats and dogs that are hit by a car and other emergency situations. We can offer a range of services, including laboratory testing, x-rays, wound care, oxygen support and emergency surgical procedures. Contact Animal Emergency of Braselton in Braselton, Georgia at (470) 203-2011 any time you need professional cat, dog or small animal emergency care.

Local Value Admin

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Local Value Admin
Tags: hit by car

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