
Household Dangers

Pets in Braselton tend to be extremely curious about their surroundings, which is why it is essential to ensure your home is safe for your pet. There are dangers lurking everywhere; each year there are thousands of pets who suffer from getting into what seems like a harmless household item. There are several everyday household items that curious pets are attracted to that may be potentially fatal. Here are just a few of the household dangers that you may not be aware of.


Medications, including over-the-counter products, such as Tylenol can be fatal for your dog or cat. Even an opened medication can be knocked over, chewed on and open in a matter of a few seconds.  It is critical, for your pet’s safety, that you keep all medications out of your pet’s reach. If your pet does get into your medication, contact a veterinarian immediately to let them know what kind of medication your pet ate, depending on the type of medication eaten; you may need to take your pet to an animal emergency care center immediately.

Loose Change

Pets, like children, are attracted to shiny objects, which includes change. Many people wouldn’t think their pet would be interested in eating your loose change, but it happens frequently and the outcome can be extremely dangerous. Newer coins may contain minerals, such as zinc which is toxic to animals-it dissolves and gets into the red blood cells and sits in your pets’ stomach, which can lead to severe anemia and/or kidney problems.

Household Cleaners

Household cleaners are generally stored in the cabinet, under the kitchen sink, which means your pet has easy access to many products that can be fatal if ingested by your dog or cat. Cleaners, such as laundry detergent, bleach and disinfectants burn when ingested as well as when they are inhaled. One of the most common, yet most toxic household products is pine-oil cleaners. There is a high phenol content in these products that can cause serious liver damage in pets; even a simple exposure, such as licking their paw after the walking on a freshly mopped floor can be harmful.

Garden Products

When you’re done working in the garden, it’s important to store gardening supplies, such as fertilizer and weed killer in an area that your pet cannot access. These products can cause severe gastric problems in both cats and dogs and if outdoor wildlife gets into these products it can lead to gastric obstructions.

If you suspect your pet has gotten into something they shouldn’t have, the first thing to do is not panic. It is important that you stay calm and respond quickly in order to deal the problem quickly, safely and effectively. Call the Animal Emergency Care in Braselton and explain what you think they have eaten and why symptoms your pet is having, such a difficulty breathing or seizures. The clearer you can be regarding the symptoms and what they consumed, the easier it will be for the veterinarian to guide you through on what to do. If you think your pet ingesting something life-threatening, go to the animal hospital immediately and call the vet on the way.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Braselton Veterinarian

Contact Animal Emergency Care of Braselton as soon as you realize your pet may have eaten a dangerous household product.

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