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Statistics, Reasons, and Important Information Regarding Dog Bites

Despite being our adorable pets and offering us the best company, dogs remain animals and lack the capacity to think before they act hence will result in biting whenever they feel threatened or defending themselves. Moreover, the majority of dog bites involve family pets. It is therefore crucial to be aware of the reasons why they bite and how to prevent it. 

Why Dogs Bite

Dogs bite due to a variety of reasons most of which are a reaction to external conditions. The most common reason for dog bites is caused by the dogs feeling frightened regardless of their size, breed and or age. They do this to protect themselves, their puppies or owners. Dogs could also bite as a reaction to a stressful situation, when they are not feeling well or if they’re startled. Finally, dogs bite in a playful manner when overly excited, especially when playing. 

Statistics on Dog Bites 

According to the CDC, about 4.7 million dog bites occur annually in the US. 81% of dog bites cause no injury at all or only minor injuries that do not require medical attention. In 2019, only 48 dog bites resulted to death and you are 1 in 112,400 chance of dying from a dog bite. According to the breed, Dachshunds and Chihuahuas have the highest incidence of bites or bite attempts while large breeds like pit bulls were responsible for 33 out of the 48 dog bites that caused death. Rottweiler, the German shepherd, American Bull-dog, and mixed breeds were responsible for the other fatalities. 

Levels of Dog Bites

Dog bites are ranked in terms of seriousness. The first level involves no skin contact, a snap air bite or warning bite. They are least serious. The second level is the skin contact, which occurs but does not puncture through the skin. The third level has one to four puncture holes in the skin whose depth is less than the tooth’s length. Level four has one to four puncture holes in the skin that contains at least one puncture that is deeper than the dog’s tooth, with possible tears. The most serious level is the fifth level which has multiple bites with deep puncture wounds. 

Complications from Dog Bites 

Night sweats, fevers, sepsis, rabies and tetanus are the most common complications arising from dog bites. Medical attention should be sought in case these complications arise. 


Despite being adorable pets, dogs pose a serious threat to us especially given the fact that many bites result from domestic bites. Owners and visitors should be well informed on the possible reasons dogs bite, how to avoid them and what to do in case they occur.

References: Veterinary’s point, Canine journal

Braselton ERVet

Published by
Braselton ERVet

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