How To Treat Cat Urinary Tract Disease
Urinary tract infection in cats can cause serious health problems. All cats are at risk of UTI’s, blockages or crystals. Plumbing issues such as urinary tract infections are common in male cats, come in different forms and will strike quickly.
You might notice that your cat is standing for a long time inside the litter box. And upon closer inspection, you may spot urine with blood spots. This is a sign your cat might have UTI and hence requires immediate medical assistance.
Symptoms of urinary tract infection in cats
- Discomfort while urinating
- Avoiding the litterbox for a different place to urinate
- Blood spots in the cat’s urine
- Excessive grooming around the genitals
- Crying or soft moans while urinating
How to treat UTI in cats
An appropriate treatment will depend on the underlying issue that has caused UTI. A vet has to perform an exam that includes taking urine and blood samples, as well as an ultrasound. After taking the tests, the vet might prescribe appropriate medications to help fight infections, reduce stress or relax muscles. In rare cases, corrective surgery is required.
Cats taking UTI medication usually switch to therapeutic nutrition specifically designed for pets. These foods help to prevent your cat from getting another urinary tract infection. The vet might also recommend that you add vital supplements to supplement your cat’s diet regimen.
How to prevent cat UTI
Encourage your cat to stay hydrated by drinking more water as this will keep ‘’plumbing’’ problems at bay. And though not all UTIs in cats can be prevented, they play an essential role in the cat’s general wellness and survival. As a suggestion, you should pay close attention to your cat’s litter box habits.
Ensure your home has more than one litter box. You can place the litter boxes in different locations throughout your home. This will help to prevent some of the common stress-induced problems that occur when one cat bullies another that needs to use the litter box.
Also enrich the cat’s play area with interactive toys and cat tress to minimize the risk of stress, which might have a negative effect on the cat’s health. A cat that struggles to urinate inside the litter box requires immediate veterinarian assistance.
If you notice your cat is struggling to urinate inside the litterbox, you should visit the vet immediately to find suitable diagnosis.