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Foaming From the Mouth

Foaming From the MouthSeeing your pet foam at the mouth might be frightening at first, bringing up thoughts of rabies, but there are many other reasons why your dog or cat might be in this state. At Animal Emergency Care of Braselton, this is just one of the many common symptoms we treat each day. Don’t approach a strange animal that’s foaming at the mouth, especially an aggressive one, but if it’s your pet the odds are good that one of these reasons apply:

Reasons Your Pet Might Be Foaming at the Mouth

  • Upset stomach If your pet eats something that doesn’t agree with it, it’s likely to pant, spit and do anything else necessary to get rid of that taste. Many pets delight in sneaking spoiled or forbidden food, which can make them sick to their stomach. If your pet is nauseated, that can cause excess salivation and foaming, as well.
  • Overexertion If your dog is working or playing hard, it’s likely to pant. That panting can cause the saliva in its mouth to foam up. As soon as it drinks water and settles down, the foaming should go away. This is one of the most common reasons owners see foam in their pet’s mouth.
  • Seizures Dogs that suffer from seizures can foam at the mouth. Sometimes seizures are obvious, with a dog falling down and twitching its legs. Other times the symptoms are more subtle, and can include foaming at the mouth. If you suspect your dog or cat is suffering from a seizure, call our office immediately for advice.
  • Stress Excess stress can cause a pet to foam at the mouth. This can be seen in pets from abusive backgrounds, very frightened lost or abandoned animals or very high strung pets.
  • Dental problems If your pet is suffering from dental infection, cavities or oral pain, that can cause panting and salivation, which combine to create foaming at the mouth. Always keep your pet’s teeth clean and bring it in for a dental checkup at least once a year. Dental problems can spread to the rest of your pet’s body, causing widespread disease, so good dental hygiene is one of the keys to keeping your pet happy and healthy.

While rabies is among the least likely of reasons why any animal you see might be foaming at the mouth, any time you see this happening to your pet should be a cause for concern. If the most obvious reasons (upset stomach or overexertion) don’t apply, call our office at (470) 209-7222. We’ll give you advice about the best way to treat your pet and alert our veterinarian in case you should bring your dog or cat into the office.